Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spaghetti Dinner!

Tonight was so special!  It was Bennett's first Noah's Ark fundraiser!  Papa and Nana made the trip over to spend the evening with us.  It was great!  We ate spaghetti and then the boys did lots of projects - mostly with Papa's help.  :)

Both Logan and Bennett love to create these days.  Bennett has always been more interested in that than Logan, but in just the last couple months, Logan has really started to love projects.

John and I got to visit with lots of friends tonight.  It was great to have my parents there to celebrate with us, help the kids do crafts, and hold WIGGLY Eden for us!

Just one of Logan's many crafts of the night.

Nana snuggling Eden and Benny showing off his telescope (which really became more of a sword).

Fun Spaghetti Dinner, Benny!  Thanks for coming N & P!

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