Thursday, March 17, 2011

Farewell (see you next week!)

Last night was our "farewell" gathering with Young Life.  It was more of a formality than a necessity.  We are lucky to be staying in Eau Claire, close to the leaders we've been serving with in YL and able to keep relationships strong.  We saw kids, leaders, and committee last night...and didn't shed too many tears.

We had a time to speak to the leaders about how much they have blessed our lives and our boys' lives.  Logan prays for the "young life leaders" every night when we ask, "who do you want to pray for tonight?".  It shows how much they have become a part of our family.  The greatest part is that we will see them all regularly.  They all attend church at Jacob's Well and the girls and I have a bible study together that meets weekly.  Beyond that, we have great friendships.  We are blessed.

  Our favorite people.

Though it seems like a "farewell" in many ways, please know you are always in our hearts and a part of our family!  Our thanks to you, for serving Christ and kids.  What an amazing gift to walk alongside you as you have grown and learned.  

See you next week! :)

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