Monday, October 8, 2012

She is 7 Months!

Our little Baby Eden is not feeling so little anymore.  She is officially crawling, waving, eating, and doing all kinds of new things!  In fact, the last couple weeks have brought the first comments from the boys about Eden trying to take their train tracks apart, taking their cars, being in their way.  Oh boy...let the games begin!  We also had to buy some baby gates because we have stairs all over this house.

The happiest girl.

Beautiful baby.

This is officially the biggest hair piece Eden has ever worn.  It was just for photo fun...but she does need some new bows/barettes/headbands.

Bennett was entertaining Eden by giving me "elephant ears" (aka "Bunny Ears").

And I knew she wouldn't sit still too long for photos...

"Hi Everybody!  I'm sitting and crawling like a champ and I'm still the cutest thing you've ever seen!"

1 comment:

Mary said...

What cute photos of Eden!!