Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It was a Happy Halloween today!

We had a great day today!  We had our kids in bed before 6pm last night, so they were super rested and ready for a FUN day!  Logan had school this morning, so I took some photos of the two little pumpkins who were home:

Its been so fun to see Bennett and Eden together.  They have special time every morning.  Often, when Eden naps in the morning, Benny has to check on her or even wants to wake her so they can play.  I can see that he is used to having a sibling around all the time.  He has always had Logan around.  He is very sweet and loving to Eden.

 Then we took a detour to the library after picking Logan up from school.  He has been asking to go because I usually go with the two little kids in the morning while he is at school.  Then we came home and enjoyed some sunshine.  I tried to get the kids to sit outside for a photo, but Benny only wanted to show his back.  He already had to take those other photos this morning, so I can't blame him for being sick of the camera.
We were on our way in for lunch - pumpkin shaped PB&J!

 Logan and Eden gave me some big smiles and snuggles!

Isn't Eden getting so big?!

She crawls all over the house, pulling up and standing when she can - with a huge grin.  She does everything with a huge grin.  :)  Love that.

 My mom made this little kitty hat for Eden (and she also made the "boo" pillow).

 My cute little cat.

Just as our friends arrived for our party tonight, I got a couple quick pics of the kids all together!

So much fun and ready to party!  We have the most amazing kids.  We are so blessed!

Six kids (minus the littlest: Eden and Adelaide)!!  Dinner before trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.

Eden was loving the party!

We got out the door just a few minutes after 5pm with dinner already in our tummies!

The kids were off to a running start!

 The crew!  This is the same group who joined us last year and its becoming a fun tradition!

What cuties!  Such a pair these two!

Mom and the kids!  I kept putting more layers on was starting to get chilly!

McKala and Adelaide (1 yr)

The neighborhood was busy early.  Hours for t-or-t are only 5-7:30.

We were so lucky to have Daddy home - even on youth group night!  He made sure that he could be home with us to trick or treat!  Thanks, John, for taking the care to be with us tonight!

Our neighbors, Jane and Rob had this cool "pumpkin bonfire".  We also visited our backyard neighbors, Carol and Larry who had special gifts for the kids.  

The house looked good all lit up for Halloween.

Back inside to warm up!

Logan took over the handing out of was a great job for him.  He was awesome and made sure to say "Have a Happy Halloween" to all the kids as they walked away.

Bennett just watched and enjoyed his 3 treats.  They each got to have 3 - the rest are for Mom and Dad.  No....I mean the rest are for later.  ;)

Thanks to all our friends for joining us!  Today was a wonderful day!

Happy Halloween Morning!

After a few late nights, we put the kids to bed at 6pm (well, a couple minutes before) lastnight!  Really!!!  It paid off because the kids woke up happy and ready to celebrate today!

Logan's scary Halloween face...

Bennett's spooky face!

And a smile for good measure.

My little Halloween baby!  Happy, as always (even with a few new teeth on the horizon!).

Happy Halloween!  We're having a party tonight!  Woohoo!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bennett's Preschool Halloween

Today was party day for Bennett!  It was his first party at school - a costume party!  FUN!  Tuesdays  are crazy busy days for us, but luckily I remembered everything we needed for the party - and even my camera!  Woohoo!  The only thing I didn't have was Eden's little Halloween outfit.  Since Bennett was dressing up, Logan also wanted to wear his costume for drop off and I thought that was a great idea!

Have you ever seen such a cute SHARK and PUPPY?!

well...maybe last year you saw the SAME shark and puppy!  That's right: they INSISTED on being the SAME this year!  I kept asking if they wanted to have different costumes this year, thinking that they would have loved to be Buzz or Spiderman, but NO.  They were so excited about being a shark and a puppy again this year and they finally said, "Mom, stop asking!".

Of course, Eden thinks her brothers are super funny on a normal day, so the costumes were even better!

The parents get to come in for a little bit at the start of class to see all the kids.  The little girl in front didn't have her costume.  I felt so sad for her.  I guess her mom brought it later - she was a bumblebee.

Cute puppy!

And the whole class!  What a fun day for Bennett!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Carving!

Tonight we did our pumpkin carving!  Not a minute too soon (as usual!).  John was home all weekend with the boys (Thurs-Sun) but they waited for me to be home to do pumpkins, so I was glad of that!

John is the master pumpkin carver and Logan is pretty into it, too.  Bennett could take-it-or-leave-it.  Benny is really great at finding his own activity and keeping busy if he isn't interested in what's going on.  He found plenty of other things to keep him busy.

We also took some time to put our spider webs up around the house!  Creeeepy!  It was Bennett's request to put the spider webs up...I almost forgot!

John does all the dirty work...digging out the seeds and guts.  Ewww.  Logan helped a little.

I kept Eden busy with smooches.

Benny gave us a great show!  What a rockstar!  He seriously loves to put on a show like this for us!  Maybe not for many other folks - he sometimes gets a little shy, but around us, we see his GREAT personality.

And Logan, hard at work!  I got a carving kit this year with the little saws for easier carving.  Much to John's dismay, they came with patterns for some tricky carving.  The boys, of course, had to have all the pumpkins carved with a pattern - not just a jack-o-lantern face like we usually do.

The Master and his Apprentice.  Logan is so much like John!  He really wanted to have his pumpkin perfectly carved and was willing to work hard at it!

 Bennett worked hard on some projects.  He is my master marker man.

My sweet boy loves to color and write.

Logan joined in on the projects when he was tired of carving.


Eden was so busy crawling around and getting stuck.  What a stinker!  She is the best!

It was a super late night!  I have a feeling its going to be a long, tired week with lots of Halloween fun!