Monday, March 15, 2010

Special Visit

Last weekend, we got a special visit from "the whole family", as Logan would say!  Papa, Nana, Amy & Andrew, Kyle & Ali all came over for a fun day together.  Guys and girls took turns watching the kids while all got to spend some fun time together!  Then, after our guy/girl activities, we all made dinner together and hung out before bedtime.  It was a great day!

The girls got to shop in the morning and have lunch out while the guys watched Logan and Bennett.  While the guys were out and the kiddos were napping, us girls did some springy crafts.

When Logan woke up, he wanted in on the fun, too!

Bennett and his crazy nap hair!

Logan and Bennett kept Nana and the Aunties busy while I did some kitchen prep for dinner.  I guess the guys didn't take any photos while they were "in charge" (not surprising!).  We all had a great time and we loved having such a big group of visitors!  Thanks for coming!

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