Friday, March 12, 2010

"I want friends today"

Logan told me during breakfast this morning that he wanted friends to come over today.  "Mommy, I want friends today", he said.  I have to say, I was a little surprised at his desire to have friends over after our debacle a couple weeks ago when Sarah and Kim visited.  Apparently he DOES like having friends over.

Well, we invited our friend, William over, but since his mom had to work today, we had to take a rain check.  Plus, we're having some fun company tomorrow and there was lots I wanted to get done around the house.  So...I told Logan we would have to wait until tomorrow, when our visitors come.  This is what happened:

Logan moved the ottoman over to the window and decided he wanted to "wait".

I told him he would be waiting a long while.  Eventually he got bored and moved on.  So cute.

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