Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Remarkable March

We've had such a remarkable month of March!  Who knew we would have "spring break weather" in Wisconsin?!  We hit 80 today, breaking all kinds of records and it was wonderful!  In anticipation of the beautiful weather, we got out of the house early to run a couple errands so we could get right home and play outside!  We visited our friend, Katie, and brought her a special sign and latte for her birthday today.  Then we stopped for essential groceries and headed home!  We played in the neighbor's sandbox, went for a walk, mowed the lawn (pretend!), caught some bugs...and that was all before nap times!  We even set up for a special lunch outside, which the kids loved!

Of course, the bugs had to join Logan at his table.

We brought Bennett's chair outside, too and it was so fun! I think it was a little bright for him here!  I can't wait until next year when the kids can sit at the little table together!

After lunch and naps we visited our friends down the street...Logan loves (and I mean loves) their dog, "Mister".  We played some more in their sandbox and had a lovely time enjoying the sun.  Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and beautiful end to March!

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