Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Egg Hunt!

Today we got to have an Easter Egg Hunt with our Tuesday friends!  Our whole playgroup met and walked to the park where a couple of the moms had already hidden lots of eggs!  It was so fun!

Walking to the park.

Logan hitched a ride in Grady's wagon, while I got to stroll his big sister, Zoey!

We tried to get the kids to all line up for a photo when we got to the park...this is how that went...

Bennett was like "whatever, guys...its cold out here this morning!".

Ready, set, go!

These kids all knew just what to do!

The eggs were everywhere...

Logan had no problem filling his bag!

Looking for those last few eggs on the outskirts!

Way to go, kids!  Besides the unexpected chill in the air, it was a great morning!

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