Sunday, April 19, 2009

Its That Time of Year...

...when John goes on his annual "Tree Planting Rampage"! It began on Saturday, which was such a gorgeous, warm, sunny day. It was perfect to be outside. John planted a few small trees on the property line Saturday but didn't get around to planting the large Northwoods Maple we bought at the tree farm. So...even though this morning was wet and chilly, we went out to get the tree in the ground!

I'm not sure if Logan didn't want his photo taken, or if he was wondering why he had to be all bundled up after spending all of Saturday in just a t-shirt and jeans! Confusing!

Helping Dad dig...

The tree is in and it looks great! We're excited to enjoy this tree in the backyard this year!

This all happened at about Logan has a killer outfit on: pj pants, winter coat/hat, and rain boots!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I love the pics of John and Logan working together. That's a good looking tree you planted guys!!
Love, Nana