Thursday, April 30, 2009

End of April

Its hard to believe April is already over! We had such a busy month - time really went quickly. Now its only about a month until we get to meet Baby Kumquat, so we're all getting pretty excited! Logan has been a helper in the baby's room during the afternoons while I've been organizing. He loves to play with the baby stuff and help me put things away. We talk a lot about getting ready for "baby".

The last couple days have been great! My mom came over on Wednesday after Logan and I both had great naps. I had another OB appt (where my OB said, "Yes, I think its another big baby!") and a few errands to run. Today Logan had another great nap and I got lots done in preparation for Baby K. I feel like the countdown has really begun!

This is Logan today, post-nap! Look at that bed-head! I love it because the curls really come out.

Mr. Fix-It

Taking after Daddy

Logan turns the ottomans over all by himself and hammers the legs - just keeping this place up-and-running, I guess!

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