Monday, April 13, 2009

Picnic with Puppers

Today was such a "Monday". Blah. I have a terrible head cold - yet again and couldn't quite emerge from the fog long enough to get Logan or I out of our jammies until after lunch. It was just one of those days (I know all mommies know what I'm talking about!). So, we stayed in, played as many goofy games as I could muster to keep Logan entertained. For lunch, Logan wanted Puppers to sit in his chair, so we decided to have a little picnic.

"Nice Puppers"

Nothing like your lovey eating yogurt melts, right?!

Logan made sure Puppers got plenty of snack and drink...he's totally exploring his nuturing side and its so cute! Lately, we have dressed his turtle and bear in coats, hats and even shoes to bring them in the car with us. Its kinda a pain sometimes, but I just think its so cute that the extra work doesn't even matter!

Eventually, Logan wanted a better seat, so he sat in a big chair across from Puppers and finished the snack.

Puppy love! My sweet boy - he's going to be such a good big brother!


Our family said...

What sweet pictures ~ I love the last one! Logan is going to be a great big brother!

Mike and Sarah said...

Logan is too cute! What a fun story. Hope you feel better soon!