Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wild Man

Logan and I had a nice day today and when John came home a little before dinner,
we got to all take a walk together. It was 45 degrees today, and the snow was melting like crazy. I couldn't help but think that next year, Logan will love to splash in all the puddles!
After the walk, we warmed up with some quality time together.

Logan is starting to look more like John. I see expressions of John's coming through all the time!

This is Logan's new perma-smile.
He smiles so big his nose crinkles like crazy and he even gives a little "huff/puff" through his nose.
A couple times, when he was really excited, he actually snorted like a piggy! So funny!

Daddy's Boy

Again, the perma-smile. Logan's favorite new past time is cruising around on the wood floors!
He will try to get his knees under himself, but the floors are slippery, so he ends up looking like Bambi.
He's still moving backward - he sure has the hang of it!

Playing with Daddy. Logan loves to grab our faces and mimmick our smiles, noises, and laughs.


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