Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Let's Go Bananas!

Life has been a little "bananas" for us in the last week. How fitting that Logan is eating the monkey fruit this week...and LOVING them! I've resorted to wearing a bib...Logan has learned that if he blows out when the spoon hits his mouth, he can spray food. Oh boy...what are we in for...?!!

Logan has also learned a few other things that are driving me bananas!
He can open doors if he is too close...
He can grab leaves off plants if he can reach...
He can roll off the bed so fast you can't even put a shirt over your head...
So we are obviously entering that stage where you literally can't let him out of your sight for a second...and its a lot of work!

The most entertaining is watching Logan scoot himself around in backward motion! He gets himself into corners all over the house! We had to buy a baby gate for the stairs this weekend!

"Uh...mom...dad....now what do I do? I'm a little stuck here!"

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