Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Happy Easter!!
For the Lord is risen! What a miracle and gift to us all!

We are so blessed to be able to spend time with our families for the holidays!
We traveled to Stillwater for Easter, spending time with both sets of Grandparents,
enjoying their company and relaxing.

First stop was Grandma and Grandpa Eiselt's house. We spent most of Saturday relaxing with them and enjoying yummy treats.
We didn't get to see Scott or Jenny, but look forward to spending time with both of them at the end of April!

Grandpa helped Logan dig through his basket from the Easter Bunny!

Logan sure does love his Elmo books, but he was not so sure about the real thing.

After celebrating at church on Sunday, we went to Papa and Nana's house.
The Easter Bunny was very busy because Logan had presents in his basket here, too!

Daddy helped look through the loot.

Ohhhh...toys and new shoes!

But the coolest part was the paper filling!

"Look what I did!"

Fun with Auntie Ali and Uncle Kyle!

Auntie Amy makes me laugh!!

For the past couple visits, Logan seems to have a little trouble deciphering between Auntie Amy and Mommy.
He really thinks Amy is Mommy until he realizes she can't give him what he wants (i.e. FOOD, please!), then he just gets really M-A-D!
Its been pretty cute/funny/sad. Oh boy Amy, we have years and years of confusion to come!!
Our poor kids will probably all be traumatized some day because of our uncanny look-a-like selves.

The Easter season seems to have come and go so quickly. With winter still in full swing here in the chilly Midwest, it was hard to get into the mood for such a springy holiday.
Then again, the real reason for the celebration is God's love and devotion to us, His imperfect children.
What grace, mercy and sacrifice we are shown. What an amazing gift.
Sing praises and rejoice!

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