Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7 months!

Oh my goodness! I am seven months old!

Some of my favorite things to do and my newest accomplishments are:
  • sliding around on the floor (I'll be crawling very soon!)
  • putting myself on my hands and knees
  • pulling myself up to a sitting position (especially in my crib!)
  • using my fingertips to feel different textures
  • eating new foods and drinking from my sippy cup
  • playing peek-a-boo
  • reading books (especially my Sesame Street/Elmo books!)
  • riding in the shopping cart like a big boy at Target
  • singing, talking, laughing - new sounds everyday!
  • reaching for anything I can see...backwards, forwards, sideways, you name it! If I can see it, I WANT it!
  • mimicking noises and movements

Lookin' just like Daddy!
I had to add this picture because I think Logan looks just like John! That expression!

Its amazing how quickly 7 months can pass...with each day more exciting than the last!

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