Sunday, June 22, 2014

David and Katie's Big Day!

Saturday was so special!  Our good friends David and Katie got married!!
It was a beautiful, perfect day.

John was the officiate and he has known David since he was in 5th grade!

John's parents took the kids for the weekend, despite their busy schedule.  It was so nice for us to have the night to enjoy with friends!

Katie had such awesome decor for her wedding - all handmade by her.  She had a vision and made it just perfectly.

The Donnellan's are a super special family to us.  They have been a huge part of our lives here in Eau Claire and they were a family away from home to John when he lived in EC during college.

And Katie was the most beautiful bride.

Our friends Mollie & Aubrey with the Bride and Groom!
We had such a great time with friends - old friend from YL, friends from church, and lots of others we know from our time here in Eau Claire.  Without kids to get home to, John and I danced all night like we haven't in so many years!  It was the best!!!
Congrats to Katie and David!  Can't wait to keep doing life with you as you begin the journey together!

1 comment:

Our family said...

Great pictures! What a beautiful wedding, bride and you two look fabulous as well! We also love the new pictures of the kiddos going to school :)