Thursday, June 12, 2014

Last Day of School!

Bennett finished school a few days before early.  Our last adventure with his preschool class was a field trip to mini golf!  We had fun with friends and their parents and Bennett's awesome teachers!  Its been a great two years at Noah's Ark for Bennett - we are so grateful for his teachers.  Bennett has grown so much!! We are so proud of you Bennett!

Bennett and Henry!

Its finally here!  The last day of school!!  I have honestly been waiting for this day for a long time.  I wish the school year was a bit shorter (well, ask me again how I'm feeling at the end of August!)  Logan had a stellar year in Children's House and next year will move into E1 (as a first grader!).  We are endlessly proud of him…

He got to have a carnival for the last day of school today!!!  And it was great weather!

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