Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Two Littlest

I feel so lucky this year that I still have two kids home with me most of the time.  Starting next year, Bennett will be gone every morning, so I cherish this year with him.
On this particular day, he fell asleep at 10:30am on the couch in our toy room...

I couldn't resist a couple photos - he looked like he did when he was a baby.  Hard to believe he will be FIVE this June!

And there's Eden...she is a crazy one!  So much fun and so many smiles.  She keeps me on my toes all day long.  She doesn't really nap anymore, so days get long, but she opts for an early bedtime instead.

She's giving the potty a good go...making progress without any pressure from us.  To be honest, I am ok with diapers for quite a while yet.

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