Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Lost Tooth

Logan lost another tooth.  As in: it fell out and got LOST in a snowbank!
This is a good story for the books:
John picked Logan up from school and the teacher asked him to come inside.  Logan had an incident that day and she wanted to talk with John about it.  The kids had been playing a "pushing game" at recess after lunch and when one kid's hand came up, Logan's tooth (already very loose) got knocked out, fell in a snowbank somewhere, and couldn't be found.  Logan's gums were bleeding so it was a kinda traumatic scene and he went to the nurse.  Then Logan, already very upset (out of character for him to be so upset at school) heard rumors that some girls found his tooth and hid it somewhere.  He was really rattled by the whole thing but then someone hiding his tooth really got to him!  It turns out that wasn't true and by the end of the day, Logan had collected himself and gotten over it.  Ms. Melissa said they had big conversations in class because there shouldn't be any pushing games and also because the kids were all really worried to see Logan so upset.

The best part: Logan said, "I was the only one left standing during the pushing game, even though I got my tooth knocked out!"  He is quite a bit bigger than most kids, so good thing Logan is such a nice boy. :)  We wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy and that helped...she even left a little extra $$!

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