Monday, June 17, 2013

Logan's First T-ball Game!

When Logan brought home a t-ball sign up in his school folder early in the spring, we decided to sign him up!  We didn't know anything about the league, but as it turns out, its the perfect fit for Logan (and us).  We didn't start any games or practices until mid-June and the program runs for about 5 weeks.  Practices and games are together on the same night (Monday and Wednesday).  Its really low key and the coaches are really great.  Logan is super excited for is first season of t-ball!

Our t-ball player!!

Look at that big smile!!!

High Five your neighbor!

These two goofies had a great time running around together!

Look at Bennett with his hand on his hip...protecting his little sister when another girl invaded.  Of course we told them to included the girl and play with her...but it was pretty cute that Bennett stood up for Eden.

The coaches ran some drills for the kids and it was so cute!

Logan has been practicing so much and playing catch with John, so he is really good at throwing and catching.

After about 30 minutes of practice, they have a little game where each child gets one turn to bat.  They field balls while the other team runs through their roster.  It was so fun and so cute!  We met some new friends, too!  It looks like it will be a great season!  Way to go Logan!

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