Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bennett is FOUR!

Bennett turned four today.  FOUR.  It seems like he was the "baby" for so long (2.7 years, to be exact!) that saying he is now FOUR feels so crazy to us!  Bennett is a joy.  He is teaching us so much about parenting each day.  Some days are hard and tiring but he is more than worth any struggle we might feel.  He is sweet, kind, thoughtful, smart, funny, and so so cute.  In just the last month, Bennett has taken leaps and bounds in growing his confidence and expressing himself.  We couldn't be more proud of him.  And we couldn't be more excited to see him grow even more...I think its going to be an amazing year!

I worked hard last night baking for breakfast and also baking cupcakes.  I decorated, wrapped some gifts - wanting to make a special morning for Benny when he woke up!

Logan chose superhero motorcycles for Bennett and wrote the card himself.  He was so excited to give them to Bennett first thing in the morning.

Happy Birthday Boy!

Eden chose some fun stickers, notebooks, and a football for Benny (with mom's help).

Logan the Orator: always reading the cards through.

Bennett was excited about his new BIG BOY carseat/booster from Papa and Nana!  "Now Logan and I match", he said.

And the moment we have been waiting months for...

Bennett opened his Buzz Lightyear wings.  These have been a topic of conversation for about 3 months.  We played with them at a friends' house and haven't stopped hearing about them since.  Bennett wanted so badly to go get some right away, but we kept trying to explain that we couldn't just go buy them.  Then, when I looked around, I couldn't find them at any retailers.  So, I checked out eBay for a decent pair and found this great set.  Then when Bennett asked we kept saying "Maybe for your birthday".  I think by the time his birthday rolled around today, he was pretty much expecting these to be one of his gifts.  Well, they didn't disappoint.  He LOVES them.

Getting suited up.

The wings are motorized, so with the push of a button, the wings go up or down.

Bennett is in heaven (or at least a faraway galaxy!).

Since Daddy would be gone to youth group tonight, we did some candles on a muffin and sang happy birthday this morning.

Make a wish....

Woohoo!  I told Bennett we could do anything he wanted today: museum, library, mall, park (even though it was wet outside).  All he wanted to do was be home and play with his new motorcycles and Buzz wings.  Can you blame him?

We invited our friend Mollie over to share pizza and cupcakes with us tonight.  I did my best to make dinner a little but special for Benny, even though Daddy wasn't home.  Sometimes I have to remember that just little things like fun plates make kids feel so special.  The day didn't have to be over-the-top for Bennett - to him it was the most special day ever.

Toy Story cupcakes.

Four more candles for Bennett

 Eden liked playing peek-a-boo under the tablecloth!

Hooray for our awesome four year old!  You're amazing Bennett!  We love you!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

It looks like Bennett had an awesome day!! You made everything look so cute!! Love, NANA