Monday, June 24, 2013

Kids' Vacay - Como Zoo

We decided it was a good day to try Como Zoo this summer so we packed up and Eden slept on the way!!  We got there in time to explore a little before the Sparky show (always a favorite of ours).

We saw the gorillas first and it was fun!!

Pretty girl

The boys loved exploring together.

Eden did really well in the stroller - it was hot and she usually wants to get out.

Then we saw lots of reptiles.  The big tortoise was moving and Eden loved it!!

Logan especially, but Benny too, loved all the reptiles on display.

Nana and her grandkids!!!

It was pretty the kids were on-and-off in good moods!!  haha!

Waiting a few minutes for Sparky and having snacks.

Cutest ever.

and so independent...

Sparky the Seal

Did we mention it was hot...

Taking a break for a special drink.  We called it a day soon after.

Back at Nana and Papa's, the kids wanted a cool dip in the hot tub.

naturally, Logan caught a frog.

I think we were tired out...Thanks to Nana for a great day!!!

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