Friday, June 7, 2013

Eden's 15 month stats

Eden had a check with the doctors at 15 months for developmental assessment.  Its a new appointment that we didn't have with the boys, but they want to screen for proper development before 18 months.  She will go back for an 18 month, but at 15 months, we are happy to report that Eden is off-the-charts-awesome!  Here are some of Eden's 15 month stats!

21 lbs, 10 oz (30th percentile)
30.5 inches (53rd percentile)
head cir: 48.8 (98th percentile - go Eiselts!)

 These expressions are perfectly Eden.  :)

Eden has so many words and expressions.  Even when she isn't saying a real word, you can usually tell what she wants by the passion behind her expression.  She is loud, persistent, spunky, and adorable.  She is (hands down!) our busiest, bravest baby to date.  She is fearless, crazy, and so fast!  So, at the end of the day, we are exhausted (and so is she!!).  She is still nursing a little, but I feel that time is fleeting.  She is 15 months going on 3.5...we are not wasting a single minute - making sure to enjoy every exhausting moment!  :)  Love you Eden Olivia!

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