Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two Year Stats

Logan's two year pediatrician check up was on August 25th.  It confirmed in my head that Logan really is growing up.  He was weighed by stepping onto the scale for the first time and was measured by standing up against the wall.  Wow - what a change!  Logan weighs in at 34 lbs and measured 36.5 inches.  Rumor has it that you can predict a child's adult height by a certain formula using their height at two years old.  According to the formula on Babycenter, Logan will be 6'2" (I think it said there is a 90% rate of accuracy within 2").  So, we'll have to check back when Logan is like 18 or something (yikes!).
Logan is a perfectly healthy, perfectly developing two year old and we are so grateful for that!  Logan impressed Dr. Gilmartin with his language development.  John and I often think Logan is really advanced in his formation of sentences and retention of new words and our pediatrician agreed.  Some of our favorite sentences so far:
- "I wanna go to the park, play with the kids."
- "Mommy, I like this Elmo shirt" (Logan said at 23 months while looking in the mirror at his shirt, hand on his hip!)
- "I wanna have a little cart at the grocery store."
- "I would like more grapes, please"
- "Benn-en has poopy diaper, Mommy - pe-ewwwwww!"
- "That airplane goes to the airport"
Some other, shorter but more common favorites:
- "Come 'ere once, Mama!"
- "I can't reach!"
- "Daddy helps you" (this actually means "Daddy help me")
- "Please", "Thank you", and "Bless you" (my personal favorite is when he says "Bless you, Benn-en!")
- "Look at this!"
- "Mama, watch you" (translation: "Mama, watch me!")
- "Do it myself" or "Go-nan do it" (Logan CAN prnounce the "L" in his name, but usually pronounces his name as "Go-nan")
Of course, Logan makes us laugh and melt each and everyday.  He's just so stinkin' cute!  He definately is TWO going on TEN!  Oh, we're in for a wild ride and we can't wait!

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