Thursday, August 20, 2009

Logan at the Lake

John decided to give me a little "break" and take some time off work to travel with Logan to the lake in Park Rapids, MN. John's family has vacationed there for a long time and we spent a week there with them last year. Bennett and I stayed back and rested up while John and Logan made the trip and had a great time. Scott and Jessica were home from North Carolina for part of the week and Jenny and Mike were there, too. It was a full house! I think Logan kept them all pretty busy...sounds like it was lots of fun!

It's no surprise that Logan's favorite thing to do at the lake was to sit on the dock and throw rocks! He had lots of help...

Logan got to have YET ANOTHER birthday celebration with the cabin lucky boy!

Showing his new laptop from B & B to Auntie Jess and Uncle Scott

Playing cars with BopBop and Uncle Scott

Watching for loons on the lake with BopBop

My little Huck Finn

Logan and Baggie were pretty attached...I don't think Baggie has any complaints about that. I mean who wouldn't want to be attached to this cutie?!

Logan had such a special time with Daddy...their first overnights together without Mommy! :) I know the boys will all have special times like this together as they get older.

Thanks to Eiselt's for having John and Logan to the resort...Logan loved it!

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