Monday, August 31, 2009

One Tired Two Year Old

 Logan wanted to have his lunch downstairs one day this week, which we tend to do more now that Bennett has joined us.  I went to check on the laundry and when I came back to see how Logan was doing on his sandwich, this is what I found!  It was a glorious afternoon because both my tired boys slept for over three hours that afternoon which gave Mommy some good time to catch up on thing around the house.


Logan loves to tell me what his "favorite" is: food, drink, toy, shirt, hat, shoes, book - pretty much anything he will tell me is his "favorite".  Well, I think this is his favorite new pose with Bennett for photos because he always wants Bennett to sit next to him.  Logan still asks to "hold Benn-en" really often (sometimes a little too often), but he also really likes to have Bennett sit by him and Logan puts his little arm around him...its so cute!

Logan always has a kiss for Bennett.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Walk

This was a great weekend for us, despite the chilly weather.  We took advantage of the time we had at home all together and bundled up for a nice long walk around the neighborhood.

We had two very sleepy boys by the time we made it back to the house!

John made Logan a fort out of a big box in the garage - he could have played out there until dark.  Its funny how simple things, like cardboard, are so entertaining for kids!  Logan loves to be with Daddy - he loves to be out in the garage hanging out and helping while John works.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two Year Stats

Logan's two year pediatrician check up was on August 25th.  It confirmed in my head that Logan really is growing up.  He was weighed by stepping onto the scale for the first time and was measured by standing up against the wall.  Wow - what a change!  Logan weighs in at 34 lbs and measured 36.5 inches.  Rumor has it that you can predict a child's adult height by a certain formula using their height at two years old.  According to the formula on Babycenter, Logan will be 6'2" (I think it said there is a 90% rate of accuracy within 2").  So, we'll have to check back when Logan is like 18 or something (yikes!).
Logan is a perfectly healthy, perfectly developing two year old and we are so grateful for that!  Logan impressed Dr. Gilmartin with his language development.  John and I often think Logan is really advanced in his formation of sentences and retention of new words and our pediatrician agreed.  Some of our favorite sentences so far:
- "I wanna go to the park, play with the kids."
- "Mommy, I like this Elmo shirt" (Logan said at 23 months while looking in the mirror at his shirt, hand on his hip!)
- "I wanna have a little cart at the grocery store."
- "I would like more grapes, please"
- "Benn-en has poopy diaper, Mommy - pe-ewwwwww!"
- "That airplane goes to the airport"
Some other, shorter but more common favorites:
- "Come 'ere once, Mama!"
- "I can't reach!"
- "Daddy helps you" (this actually means "Daddy help me")
- "Please", "Thank you", and "Bless you" (my personal favorite is when he says "Bless you, Benn-en!")
- "Look at this!"
- "Mama, watch you" (translation: "Mama, watch me!")
- "Do it myself" or "Go-nan do it" (Logan CAN prnounce the "L" in his name, but usually pronounces his name as "Go-nan")
Of course, Logan makes us laugh and melt each and everyday.  He's just so stinkin' cute!  He definately is TWO going on TEN!  Oh, we're in for a wild ride and we can't wait!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


A couple of my new favorite photos of the boys together! Enjoy!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Randoms from Last Week

Some photos worth sharing from last week:

Papa helped Logan catch a mini frog

Riding the tractor!

Goofing off with Amy


Mommy's birthday

A rather sad attempt at a family photo!

Playing with Daddy

Mommy's little man

Spending time with Papa and Nana

Friday, August 21, 2009

Can it be?

OMG! Can it be that Bennett is already 12 weeks old? He won't be 3 months until August 5th, but he's rapidly outgrowing his 3 month clothes and I've started going through the 6 month clothing bin now. Time is going by so quickly...I've still been telling everyone that he's 10 weeks old! Ah! Where did the last two weeks go?!

Bennett is a really busy baby! He's awake much more me a little more run for my money these days. He's still pretty happy and usually content just hanging out with me and Logan - observing whatever we're into. My favorite thing is how much Bennett talks to us! I have some video that I hope to post soon of Bennett "talking".

This is one seriously tall infant.

Mr. Blue Eyes - still can't believe it!

The smirk.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Logan at the Lake

John decided to give me a little "break" and take some time off work to travel with Logan to the lake in Park Rapids, MN. John's family has vacationed there for a long time and we spent a week there with them last year. Bennett and I stayed back and rested up while John and Logan made the trip and had a great time. Scott and Jessica were home from North Carolina for part of the week and Jenny and Mike were there, too. It was a full house! I think Logan kept them all pretty busy...sounds like it was lots of fun!

It's no surprise that Logan's favorite thing to do at the lake was to sit on the dock and throw rocks! He had lots of help...

Logan got to have YET ANOTHER birthday celebration with the cabin lucky boy!

Showing his new laptop from B & B to Auntie Jess and Uncle Scott

Playing cars with BopBop and Uncle Scott

Watching for loons on the lake with BopBop

My little Huck Finn

Logan and Baggie were pretty attached...I don't think Baggie has any complaints about that. I mean who wouldn't want to be attached to this cutie?!

Logan had such a special time with Daddy...their first overnights together without Mommy! :) I know the boys will all have special times like this together as they get older.

Thanks to Eiselt's for having John and Logan to the resort...Logan loved it!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Party Animals!

For Logan's first birthday, we were not home, so we didn't have a party. And, honestly, we were not too social until this year - making such good friends through playgroups, music class, SAMmy's, and of course, YOUNG LIFE! So, we thought a celebration for Logan's birthday was the perfect chance to have lots of friends over! It was such a blast and so special for us to mark Logan's second birthday with a bang!

I made this goofy door decor (in like 5 minutes on Sunday afternoon!)

Our house is pretty small, so we made do with setting up the kitchen table and stuffing any gifts underneath. My sister helped with all the set-up while I ran around doing a few last minute things (and making sure Bennett was fed!).

My favorite part were the supercute cupcakes that my mom and sister made and decorated in Stillwater and then brought over. They were so colorful and fun! I had planned on making cupcakes myself, but when my mom offered, I gave in. Boy, was I ever glad! Between keeping the house in order and getting ready for the party, I would not have had time to make them look soooo great! Thanks Mom and Amy!

I was glad to have family at the party to help with Bennett (rough duty, as you can see!). My family was able to come (except Andrew who was playing baseball for the Saints that afternoon), but John's family was all up in Park Rapids, MN for the start of their week at the lake. We missed them, but they did get a chance to celebrate with Logan later that week!

Kyle and Ali came to the party on their way home from Ali's parents' lake home in Wisconsin. they hadn't seen Bennett for a few weeks, so it was fun for them to see how big he's gotten!

This was a seriously low-key party. We did very little to get ready and made sure to keep it really low maintenance. John and I decided we couldn't drive ourselves crazy, or we wouldn't want to ever have a party again! The best part was that, despite rain showers in the morning, by party time, it was beautiful outside. Good thing because our house would have really been cramped with this many kids running around! We had playtime in the backyard before dinner...

Our friend William came with his whole family all the way from Minneapolis to spend the evening with us and to celebrate with Logan! How special! We loved seeing Mike, Sarah, Will and Grace! Thanks for making the trip!

Logan did really well after warming up (he was a little clingy and shy to start) with sharing all his toys. We usually just have one or two kids at the house for playdates, so this was a lot different!

After some playtime outside, the pizza arrived and everyone enjoyed Logan's favorite: Mancino's! Here Logan shared his table with his buddy Carter.

Of course, pizza was followed by cake...Logan did pretty good trying to blow out his candle, but he got some help from Mom and Dad in the end. As soon as I lit the candle, Logan started singing the birthday song...I think he liked everyone joining in and singing to him!

Surprisingly, Logan is not much of a cake eater. The frosting seems to put him off a little and he really only took about one bite of the cupcake.

Yummy cupcakes, Nana!

Big bite!

John showed Logan how to dig in.

After the cake was eaten, it was back outside to work it off! It was so fun to see all the kids running around and playing - our yard has never been so full! Logan loved the little game of baseball going on! The kids kept forming a line, waiting their turn to hit the ball and run. It was so cute!

All John's hard work on the lawn paid off because we all enjoyed sitting on it. It was nice and green again and pretty soft, too!

We had such a fun party and Logan was a champ. Thanks to all our friends for coming to celebrate with us! The only thing I forgot was to hand out the animal crackers to kids as they left - now what am I going to do with like 36 min bags of animal crackers?! I went off to feed Bennett just as the party ended, but I heard Logan was polite, saying "Bye, safe!" (for good-bye and drive safe) to everyone as they left. My family stayed around for a little bit after the party to help with some clean up (there wasn't much) and to give Logan his gifts from them.

Logan took a little time after the party to hold Bennett: "I wanna hold him, I wanna hold Benn-en, I wanna hold!"

Logan got awesome, fun gifts from everyone - especially this special present from Papa...

Nana and little B.

Logan in his "2" shirt hangin' out by his new ride.

The guys gave Logan some lessons, but he doesn't quite have the motor skills to press the gas pedal yet...we'll have to work on that. My brother had a jeep like this when he was little and it was awesome!

Ali, Kyle, and Amy. Thanks for coming and helping out!

This is so cute, I just had to post it...even though this is supposed to be about Logan...oh well!

Thanks again to all for help making Logan's birthday so special!