Friday, June 29, 2012

Splash Pad Fun

Today we decided it was time for a fun summer outing close to home.  We packed up and headed out to Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls.  Its only 20 minutes away but we rarely take advantage of the park.  There is a small zoo and petting zoo, playgrounds, pavilions, open space and a splash pad.  We started out at the zoo - its pretty small, so it doesn't take long to make the rounds.

The baby bunnies were pretty cute.

We don't often get the double stroller out since both of the boys like to walk (did I say "walk"? I mean RUN) everywhere.

We sported our swimsuits knowing we'd be hitting the splash pad asap.  Little girl swimsuits = adorable!

The splash pad was heaven-sent on such a hot day!  Logan dove right in and loved it...

the water was a little chilly for Eden's tooties, so we stayed cool in the shade most of the time...

and Bennett wasn't so sure.  

This was pretty much the first time ever that the kids didn't wear their swim shirts.  Look at that white skin!  It was just soooo hot so we opted for sunscreen on bare skin rather than the shirts.

It didn't take long before Eden decided it was time for a nap.

Hello, adorable baby girl.

We packed a great picnic lunch and after a little refueling, the boys were ready for their second round on the splash pad.

Bennett enjoyed the second round more than the first!  It was a perfect summer outing!


Mary said...

That looks like a great way to spend these hot days!! What fun for Logan and Bennett!! Eden looks so cute in her swimsuit! XXOO

Our family said...

It looks like a fabulous family favorite! Splash pads are soooo cool! We're looking forward to a day where we venture to one with Palmer in his stander. It will be an exciting day! The boys are too cute and Miss Eden is just precious! You're right about girls in their suits. We have so many adorable nieces with the cutest suits! I might have to find one for Charlie ;) Hope all is well! XO, Ang and boys