Sunday, June 10, 2012

Board and Batten Wall

This new house has come with a loooooooong "Honey-Do" list.  John has been a great sport - not complaining even once when re-doing the kids' rooms.  Eden's room was pretty involved, even disassembling and rebuilding the chandelier from my sister that I just had to use.  When we extended the bamboo flooring into the entry (why that wasn't done when the rest of the house remodel was done by the previous owner...just one in a long list of "whys") I mentioned to John I'd like a board and batten wall in the entry.  He quietly planned the project and finished it up perfectly!  

 The B & B and the new coat of paint really makes us feel like you are entering "our house", not just the old house we bought.  :)  We love it so much!  Thanks, John for working hard on my awesome board and batten vision.  Now if I could just get you to build the little benches...  

1 comment:

Mary said...

John, your project turned out awesome! I cant wait to see it in real life!