Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Party Program 2011

Today was Logan's Christmas Party Program at preschool!  We are lucky to have such a wonderful preschool and even more wonderful teachers!  Logan had been a little under the weather this week, so luckily he was feeling well enough to perform!  He has been singing and practicing songs for weeks, so he was ready!

 Logan had quite this audience this year: BopBop and Uncle Mike (in town from NC) and Papa and Nana - everyone came all the way from Stillwater to be in Logan's audience!

 I had to save seats, but we were on the opposite side of the room as Logan, so I didn't get too many great photos.  There really is nothing more adorable than preschoolers performing songs about Baby Jesus!

Its hard to believe that next year Bennett will have his own preschool program (and we'll be well adjusted as a family of FIVE!).

 Logan has so many nice friends from school and does such a great job as a "peacemaker".

 Logan greeting all his guests!  He was proud and excited to have everyone there!  We enjoyed a few treats and then headed out for a special lunch all together.

 Bennett has learned some song from Logan and has been serenading us with "Away in a Manger" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".  He loves to tell the story of Baby Jesus as best he can.

The whole crew!  Thanks to all our family for making the special trip!

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