Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

The boys have loved going out to play in the snow.  They can each put their boots on by themselves this year, so I often find them in the back entry with boots, just waiting to be geared up for outside.  On this day, I asked if they wanted their snow pants and they both said "no, not today".  But when I looked outside from my kitchen window, I found the boys, both snow-covered, back from foraging behind the garage, with this huge branch in tow.

 Logan was clearly the ring-leader, but Bennett was bringing up the rear with gusto!

 They pulled it around front to show me and when I asked them what they found, the said "a Christmas tree!"

 Strong boys!

Logan showing off his tree, staked in the ground and everything!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Logan and Bennett are sure creative finding things to do!! I love their tree!!