Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We Love Planet Earth

Did you know GREEN is the new black? That's right...being eco-friendly is this year's most popular trend.

We've taken the initiative this year to "go green", well a "little bit green", anyway. I'll admit Logan was the main motivator, not our beloved planet. We've stopped using chemicals in the house for cleaning, started using our own bags for shopping and groceries, cut down on drinking bottled beverages, even went down to one car for a while (also not necessarily motivated by the plant thing)!

A few things everyone could do to help save our planet:
  • shop with reusable plastic or cloth bags
  • wash your clothes with cold water
  • use compact fluorescent bulbs in your home
  • stop drinking bottled water
and, our personal favorite:
  • plant a tree!
We're the first to admit there is much more to be done. We're not "granola" enough yet to really be considered heroes or anything, but we do believe every bit helps and we want Logan to enjoy life with his babies on this planet, too!

Happy Earth Day!

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