Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Grillin' & Chillin'

Our favorite time of year is when we can grill outdoors for dinner! I love it because it means less dirty pots and pans in the kitchen and John loves it because its one of those manly type things. So, Logan had to join John outside for the season's inaugural grill out. It was chilly, but Logan was only out for a couple minutes.

Such a cute little YL sweatshirts from our good friends the Donnellans...I can't believe it fits already!

1 comment:

Our family said...

We are enjoying some nice weather also and we sure love grilling too. Jill, it was great seeing you and Logan last week ~ I wish I would've taken some more pics of you guys. It was so nice to chat about mom and baby things! I just wish I could've spent some more time with you ladies. We are anxious to see all of you again in September. Angie