Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Next Generation

Logan and I were lucky enough to travel last week with my Mom to her home in North Dakota. We go to see cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and lots of new babies! It was such a special time! Logan was able to meet so many new people, and was quite the charmer. My only regret is that I didn't get more pictures of everyone.

Here's a glimpse of the crew. The new generation of the Welstad family is in full bloom! We're all sitting here with my Grandpa Sherman. He is 92 and well! He's pictured here with just a handful of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Unfortunately, Logan was still napping during this photo!

Welcome Oliver and Kinzy! Our cousin Joel and his wife, Molly welcomed Kinzy (pictured in purples) in February and she is such a cutie! Oliver arrived to proud parents Chad and Angie just a couple weeks later! He is a sweet boy and looks like his daddy! What fun to meet the newest editions! Congrats on the beautiful babies!

Thanks so much for the hospitality and warm welcomes, as always. We loved visitng and promise to bring John along next time!

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