Thursday, April 3, 2008

Video Mania

So...Dad has been taking some video of Logan the last month or so and finally got them up on the blog. Some of them are just quick snapshots and others are longer which allows for a full experience of Logan's personality, expressions, and cuteness....Enjoy!!!

Logan loves to sit in the rocker by himself.
We call it the "big boy chair" and he grins from ear to ear when he sits there.

Logan is soooo close to crawling....well technically he is crawling, just not forward.

This is Logan's first taste of beans...hmmm...not so sure at first.
He soon realized it was food, and therefore was acceptable to devour!!!

More video of Logan's full audio!!!

Logan got this Elmo doll from the Easter Bunny.
Elmo talks and asks for hugs.
Logan was not so sure at first but today I caught him giggling at Elmo.

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