Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bennett's Last Day!

My mom came over early this morning so I would have time to get all set and accompany Bennett on his last day of school!  It was a field trip to a local dance studio and then special classroom time.  It was a wonderful day with Bennett!  Thanks to my mom for coming so I could be there for this special time.

I mentioned this earlier, but Bennett has really turned a corner this month.  He loves school, loves to go each time and seems to have more confidence.  Its been amazing to watch.  It was hard to be consistent with him this year when it was such a challenge to go to school.  Some days, I just wanted to let him stay home and forget about it so that I wouldn't have to deal with the big fit and fight.  But, we stayed consistent all year, encouraging him to go to school and staying calm (even when he wasn't).  It seems as though its paid off.  I don't care about myself as much as I am relieved to see that he has more peace about school and himself.  Look at this photo!  He is so awesome!  Way to go Benny!!

Here are all the kids, lined up on the dance studio floor.  Benny was so excited.

Warming up...

Rolling heads...

Learning some moves!

When the kids were asked to partner up, Bennett and Emma immediately joined hands.  
They are so cute!

Bennett's class was full of adorable little girls!  He and Emma spent a lot of time playing together.

Little lovebirds...

Benny steals a kiss.  I asked him about this moment later (I can't believe I caught it with the camera!) and he said, "I just kissed her because Emma loves me and I love her".

The dance teacher used one of our favorite songs, "Goldfish" by Laurie Berkner Band and Benny loved dancing around like a swimming fish!

Hmm...there Emma, and Bennett close by.

So cute!

Back at the classroom, we had snack (here they are having a prayer), and then special time when the teachers gave personal year books to each child.

The kids always love their year books and are so excited to look through them!

Benny went through his book naming every person in every photo!

One last little squeeze and a photo for Emma.  What a fun day!  Bennett will be back to Noah's Ark next year M-W-F mornings.  Most of the children in this afternoon class will stay in afternoons, but we opted to change to mornings.  Its sad to be in a different class than some of the friends, but we will make new friends next year!  We are excited to have a few playdates with friends from Noah's Ark this summer!

Benny didn't want his photo with Mrs. Lien but he did want to give her a big hug!

Back at home with my two boys while Eden naps.  The boys are getting SO big.  I'm a very proud mom.

1 comment:

Mary said...

What a special blog post. Bennett makes my heart melt in these pictures. What a special guy!! Papa and Nana love him so much!! Love, NANA