Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

We knew we wanted to walk all the way to the Memorial Day Parade, but that meant we had to hope for no rain!!  Lucky for us, there was no rain expected until after noon when we checked the forecast, so we were off!!
It was a long enjoyable walk to "our spot" for the parade.  The kids picked up some flags from a Veteran on the way.  Little kids waving flags is so cute.
John and I moved to Eau Claire SEVEN years ago this weekend.  We watched the parade from this same spot that first year - not knowing or even dreaming what the future would hold for us here in Eau Claire.  God has blessed us so much: two homes, two jobs, two ministries, three kids and so much faith in Him because of it all.  Its been trying, exciting, scary and amazing.  Crazy to think what "kids" we were seven years ago with no babies of our own.

Eden loved her first parade of course.  :)

Hanging with Daddy is always fun!

Mommy and kids!!  Then someone offered to take a whole family photos!  Woohoo!

Eiselt 5!!! 2013

The parade was fun, it wasn't too long and the weather was just right.  We weren't cold, but we weren't worrying about sunburn either.  This was our favorite part of the parade: McQueen and Mater.

Towed by Big Rigs

Super fun!  The kids came away with a bit of candy, but they weren't too crazy about picking candy up off the street when it was thrown.  Haha.

Then we headed home and some had naps while others worked on a little porch/front step revamp.  Maybe we will finish by the end of summer....maybe not.  :)

It was a super fun day and we ended with a movie and popcorn - at the boys' request.  Benny couldn't make it through the movie with his eyes open.  Summer is here!

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