Saturday, May 11, 2013

While John was gone...

John started back up in seminary - hoping to finish sometime next year.  Its been a long haul (he officially started in 2004).  We've had some long breaks - most recently a long break after leaving YL, joining staff at church, and trying to decide what the future might hold.  After lots of thought and prayer, we decided it was time to go back, finish up, and get the degree!  Its going to be a crazy 1.5 years, full time class and full time work for John (which means overtime Mommying for me!).  His first class was a course in Colorado Springs, so off he went!

Of course the night he left Eden woke up with sickness.  Poor honey.

Luckily, she seemed to fight it off ok.  Maybe her I teeth are finally making their way in...

All smiles from the kiddos, but missing Daddy!

We had such a busy week - I had some meetings planned at Jacobs Well, Bennett had a field trip, and all the usual pick ups and drop offs.  So, my mom was awesome enough to come over for the end of the week and then we joined her and my dad back in Stillwater for the weekend!

Playing at Papa and Nana's

All three kids playing in the play kitchen - "fixing" stuff like Daddy.

Eden climbs EVERYTHING.  She HAS to do exactly what the boys are doing and there really isn't anything she won't find a way to climb.  She is my busiest climber - the boys were ever quite as determined.

On Sunday night, my mom came back to EC with us to help me get through the week!  I was lucky to have her because I ended up not feeling too well.
Logan had soccer practice, but John was happy not to miss any games!

I was lucky enough to get away for a pedicure while my mom watched my kids!

It was nice and warm so we enjoyed popsicles outside!

We visited Logan's school with Nana so she could see his Montessori classroom.
Thanks to Nana for taking so much time to be with us!!!  It was special!

All my little "puppies" waiting for Daddy to come home...

Eden grew up in just the 8 days John was gone.  Here she is brushing like the big kids (on the tall stool, of course!)

The night John was to arrive back at home, Logan lost his second tooth!  It was a pretty awesome morning when the kids woke up to Daddy AND money from the tooth fairy!  :)  I think you can guess which was more exciting: Daddy!

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