Thursday, August 9, 2012

Soccer Camp

We were so thankful to have our swimming lessons over with last week that I didn't even realize soccer was starting so soon.  We signed up for these summer activities forever ago, so they snuck up on me when it was time!

Logan really likes soccer and John and I like that he has taken to it.  This Parks & Rec camp was really well done with some great coaches.
That's Logan, looking all pro-soccer in his shin socks and green soccer shirt.

Of course Logan is very methodical and by-the-book.

He does so well listening to the directions and then repeating the drill.

Today was great because they played a game for most of their last session.

Water break.

iPhone break.
Poor Bennett came along and just waited and watched with me.  Next year you can do it all, too, buddy.

Eden was awesome and enjoyed all the activity too.

Getting ready for their game!

Logan's first post: goalie.
(Is that soccer-talk? "Post"? - I have not idea.  I'm not athletic, okay?)

Super ready.

He had a couple good saves and even remembered he could use his hands as goalie.

And he scored a goal!  Way to go!  He had fun and that's all that matters.  Although he did remind me several times that his team won 6-0.  Yikes.  The kids all got awards at the end of the week and it was great.

Bennett...what can I say?

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