Sunday, August 12, 2012


We pulled a last minute mini-getaway to Maple Grove this weekend.  My cousin Jody and her family were traveling from Minot to have a little fun before her almost 6 year old twins start Kindergarten!  They are also expecting a baby BOY in November so they had some shopping to do :).  We were lucky enough to spend one night at the hotel with them.  It went by so fast, it was a blur!  Wish we could've had some more time!

Olivia got to hold squirmy little Eden for a bit.  These girls are going to be great big sisters!

 The big attraction was the water park.  This was our first indoor water park experience!  Here you can see the boys checking it out.  They were mostly just interested in being Michael Phelps with their new goggles!

The dads and the kids!

The little kiddie pool was the best bet for us.  The little slides were just right and the temp was good.

Bennett took a quick liking to Violet and followed her all around.

Practicing floats!

Daddy and Eden

 Bennett showing off his muscles.

After a good swim and dinner the kids had fun running around out tiny hotel room and playing on the bunk beds.  In the morning, we had breakfast and another stop at the water park before heading out to shop a little and have a yummy lunch all together at PF Chang's.  Thanks to the Demars' for letting us join them for a day f their vacation!  We cant wait to make a trip to Minot to meet their new little guy (who is going to have the cutest name!).

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