Monday, April 30, 2012

Shirley and Myron visit

 We were so lucky to get a visit from my aunt and uncle when they were staying with my parents in Stillwater.  They all drove over for a nice long visit on Sunday.  Of course, the boys were thrilled to introduce them to Eden (as Logan said, "This is MY baby girl"!) and show them our new house.  It was so nice of them to make the trip over and spend the afternoon here.  The boys loved it and they said, "I wish Shirley and Myron could come over all the time - they are so nice and fun" (no kidding!).
Shirley and Myron brought some new books for the boys, so of course we had to read them right away.

Both Papa and Nana got lots of good snuggles from Eden.

 Eden was awake more than before for Papa and Nana's visit - they enjoyed seeing her baby blues (yes, still blue!).  She even gave out some smiles and coos - especially to Myron, who is so good with babies.

 Nana and her first granddaughter, looking so cute together.

My mom and her sister - they are so funny together...they are so much alike.  I love spending time with them.

One last photo of Eden...just because.  :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Love the pics of Eden with her special great aunt and nana! We sure love her!!