Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A day in the life...

Yesterday was a typical day around here - a good one!  I tried to take some photos throughout the day.  The day starts for me with feeding Eden early, but I usually get to go back to sleep until the boys wake up around 6:30 or 7.  Then we all get up, with the exception of Eden, who sometimes sleeps through the chaos of the morning routine (lucky girl!).

 Logan likes to get dressed right away when he wakes up - all by himself.  Then he comes downstairs and immediately wants to hold Eden.  He does a great job being careful with her and holding her gently.

 Eden likes to grab Logan's finger!

Bennett has also started to get dressed by himself, influenced by his big brother.  Just this week he started to be able to do his socks all by himself.  Thank goodness!
Then we are off to school - all three kids in the car to drop Logan off.  While Logan was at school today, Bennett didn't want to go home, so we went to get milk at the store and then to the library to play for a while.

 When we get home, its lunch time so we hang out in the kitchen and make sandwiches.  Eden was awake after sleeping the morning away.

 Hello Bright Eyes! 

 The boys were entertaining her with original songs - I'll have to catch them on video sometime - and telling her "oh Eden, you are so cute/sweet/adorable" - they certainly are smitten with their sister.

 Then the boys play outside for a while after lunch - thank goodness for this house with such a private back yard!  After some outside play, it was quiet time.  I debated whether to work on folding laundry or just cuddle Eden...you can see which option won.  :)  Eden dozes off for another nap in the afternoon-evening.

 John is home with us most nights, which is a welcome change from life one year ago.  Most evenings, we have time to do something fun as a family (lately it has been John taking the boys for a bike ride after work).  Tonight, we dyed Easter eggs!

 The boys got to do it almost all by themselves: pouring the vinegar and water, stirring, dropping the eggs in (only a few ended up cracked!) and taking them out.  They loved it!

 Proud of their work.

Then its time for bed...all the kids get into pjs and we read stories.  Most nights we have bath time, but not tonight.  Logan and Bennett do a great job sleeping in their bunk beds - sometimes sharing the big bottom bunk.  Eden is usually wide awake around bedtime, so she gets some time alone with Mom and Dad before we all go to sleep around 10:30 pm.

 Then this morning, the boys tried their eggs for breakfast...
 Logan did pretty good...until he got to the yoke.  Then he wasn't so sure.  
Bennett only liked peeling his egg - not so much eating it!


Mary said...

Loved sharing the day with you! What a beautiful family!!

Amy said...

Love your family! :-) See you soon!!

Mike and Sarah said...

What a fun day! I'm so jealous that your boys dress themselves...