Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Easter Weekend

We enjoyed a great, long weekend to celebrate Easter.  Logan didn't have school on Friday (and John is always off on Fridays) so we took our annual trip to Govin's Farm near Menomonie.  The weather was pretty nice: sunny and a little chilly, but not windy as in past years.  We got to the farm at a great time, beating some of the crowds.  

 There was a huge pig, but no piglets this year. :(

 Logan was excited to hold the lamb

 Bennett preferred to watch this year.

 There were so many baby chicks!

 Logan held lots of the chicks, but Bennett watched and petted a couple.

 Eden took her first ride in the Baby Bjorn...she loved it and so did I!

 The boys ran around and climbed on hay bales and an old wagon while we waited our turn for the carriage ride.

 Finally it was our turn to ride the carriage!

 Bennett was a little sleepy by now...

 Logan enjoyed the ride, especially when the horses galloped and we went fast!

The rest of Friday was nice and quiet.  Tackling a few projects at home and enjoying time all together.  On Saturday, we woke up to an early visit from the Easter Bunny!  We heard the Bunny could come early since Sunday mornings are too busy around here to do Easter baskets.  So, the boys hunted around for eggs, found their hidden Easter baskets, and enjoyed some new toys.  Eden had a little basket, too.  She liked just hanging out and watching...

Bennett playing with the new log truck 

Logan making his new puzzle 

 I caught Bennett talking sweetly to Eden while I helped Logan with his puzzle.  Bennett is more and more interested in Eden each day.

After some playtime, we went to a cool local garden center for an egg hunt and the boys enjoyed that.  Eden slept through it.  :)

 Eden tried out a bow for the first time!

 After that much fun, we were all tired out at the end of the day!

Sunday morning the boys were excellent helpers and got dressed like champs.  John was off to church early, so the kids and I got ready and made a special stop at Starbucks before church.
 The kids all looked so cute.  This is a rare grimace from Eden.  I think it was that silly bow we tried.  Sorry, Eden...no more bows like that (I think it was an uncomfortable one!).

After a great church service at Jacob's Well, we went home and waited for our Easter guests!  My whole family got to come spend the afternoon - even Amy and Andrew all the way from VA!
 Nana and the sweet girl (already on her second outfit of the day by this point).

 Andrew's first time meeting his new niece.  We hadn't seen Andrew since Christmas and it was great to have him over!

 Papa took the tough job of snuggling sleepy Eden while I ate some lunch.

 The boys loved having everyone over - they talked all week about "having TEN people" over!  They gave everyone a tour of the house (with special attention to their room, of course) and kept us all entertained.  Logan loves to sing Easter songs he learned at preschool and Bennett likes to tell his version of the Easter story : "Jesus died on the cross because he was naughty".  Oh boy - we have some work to do on that one!

 Special Easter treats from Kyle and Ali!

 And a little backyard Easter egg hunt set up by Nana.

 I think the boys could hunt Easter eggs for hours!

 Amy and Andrew with all the kiddos.  They had to leave around 4pm so they could catch their flight home to Virginia.  :(

 Papa and Nana with all the kids!
(and yes, Logan is wearing play pants with a hole in the knee...)

 Ali and Kyle with all the kids.  This was their first visit to our house and it was so much fun to have them!  The boys loved it!

Eden finally woke up after everyone left and she even gave us a couple smiles. 

She is just so pretty.  :)

Monday was another day off for John so we spent some time with friends and worked on a few more projects around home.  It was so lovely to have family and friends to share Easter with!  What a joyful time!


Mike and Sarah said...

What a fun weekend! Eden looks so cute in her bows :) In that last picture I finally see a little more Bennett in Eden. I'm sorry we missed you today - never got called by school to come get Grace, but I'm sure I would have if I would have made the trip over. Looking forward to meeting sweet Eden next week!

Mary said...

What a great weekend you had! We loved being able to be with you and all our family at Easter!! The boys were awesome and Eden was so perfect! Love those last pictures of Eden!!