Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Logan and Bennett Meet Eden!

As soon as I thought I was feeling good enough to have the boys come up to visit, we invited my parents to bring them to the hospital.  They came sporting Big Brother t-shirts and so proud.

Bennett liked to touch Eden - as if to check and see if she was real!

Logan loved to hold Eden and beamed with pride over his new baby sister.

Bennett decided to hold her, but it was only about 5 seconds before he was "all done!".

Of course Papa and Nana loved meeting Eden, too.  Its fun for everyone to meet a little girl Eiselt.  :)

Eden had some gifts for her Big Brothers...

Legos for Logan and Buzz Lightyear for Bennett.  She already knows those brothers quite well.  :)

Logan remarked her "tiny ears, tiny hands, tiny feet..." the list goes on!

I think I felt about as good as I look...luckily there was a turning point after a couple more hours where my nausea wore off.

Proud Daddy introducing his daughter to his sons.  So precious!

One thing is for sure: Eden has lots of men in her life to make sure she is protected.  :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Love the photos of your beautiful family!! What a blessing! XXOO,NANA