Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Eden's Birth Day

Eden Olivia Eiselt was born, as planned, on Tuesday, March 6th.  Our delivery was scheduled for 7:30 and she was born at exactly 8:00am.  The cesarean went really well - both the anesthesiologist and my doctor said for a third c-section it went really well.  Thanks to all our friends and family for prayers!  My parents came over Monday night to be with the boys and waited for the news on Tuesday morning.

To my surprise, Eden had no problem growing into a big baby just like her brothers!  When she was born and weighed, John said "10 lbs, 4 oz!" and I just had to laugh!  I thought she was a little smaller - like 9 lbs or something.  What a big, healthy, baby girl!

 They worked hard to get Eden to cry to clean out her lungs - she was pretty quiet.

Proud Daddy - this time a daughter to love!  

 Mommy and Baby Girl (we hadn't fully decided on her name yet) meet!  I got to hold her right away - something different from my past c-sections.  In the new operating room, they are equipped to keep baby and mom together the whole time.

 My sweet baby girl!  Welcome to the world - we are so glad you're here!

 I was pretty sick after surgery (again), so we delayed even longer on a name.  Our bracelets all said "Baby Girl Eiselt".  We got some good snuggles and feeding in, but I was really not feeling great until much later in the day.

Good thing Daddy was all hands on deck while I tried to feel better.  By late morning, we decided she would be "Eden Olivia"!

 Eden's first bath!

 All cleaned up - Daddy did a great job and learned some tricks for cleaning up a girl this time around :).

 Clean and swaddled - beautiful and perfect!

Now she is ready to meet her big brothers...

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