Saturday, March 10, 2012

At home with Eden

The boys joined us back at home on Saturday, March 10th.  That gave John and I one night at home alone with Eden to try and get a little more rest than the last three nights at the hospital.

The boys were so excited to see Eden - they were thrilled when they walked in and she was home!  After washing hands, Bennett couldn't wait to hold her...

As you can tell by this face, it didn't last long!

I think Bennett prefers to just look and touch rather than hold at this point.

Logan, on the other hand, can't wait to hold Eden everyday!

He is such a proud big brother!

Of course Papa and Nana got to have some baby snuggles before they are off on their next adventure - skiing out West for a week!

Sweet little Eden - the perfect addition to our family.

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