Monday, March 12, 2012

Eden's 1 Week Check-up

The boys got to play with our friend, Katie, while John and I took Eden to her one week check up.  She's just 6 days old, but since she lost so much weight in the hospital (a full 8%), they wanted to see her back right away to make sure she's gaining enough.

Well, lo and behold, this little (big) lady gained a whopping 5 ounces over the weekend!  Phew!  At discharge, she was 9lbs 8 oz and this morning she weighed in a 9 lbs 13 oz.  I guess we can dismiss any worry about her gaining weight!  No problems there!

 Eden is in the 90th percentile for both weight (9 lbs 13 oz) and height (22 in).
She checked out great and we had a couple questions answered, so we're all set!

First little outing...

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