Saturday, March 3, 2012

Baby Girl Nursery Complete!

This house has presented us with challenges when we try to take on "simple projects", but we remember from our old house in St. Louis Park that nothing is really what it seems before you open up a wall, try to replace something, or even just paint a room.  For example, in this room (which was in terrible shape: poorly painted, holes everywhere, gross closet) when John painted the ceiling, the paint bubbled up (but you can't see it in the photos, so you can pretend its perfectly smooth!) and prompted him to test for lead paint (positive - under a few layers, though, so its been deemed safe) and has given us plans to cover up the ceiling entirely with either new sheetrock or some sort of cool paneling.  Anyway, that was just a little snippet from life-as-we-know-it-in-this-old-house.  Actually, this room used to have a door in it (about 2 years ago), but the previous owner took it out while installing new windows throughout the house.  Two of the walls (exterior) in this room are brand new sheetrock and two of the walls (interior) are plaster.

The whole process of readying the room started at the very beginning of February when John's parents offered to come over and help paint one Saturday.  I quick ran to get the paint I had chosen (straight from the Pottery Barn Kids catalog - creative, I know) and John and Bob got to work.  Primer, two coats of paint on everything (trim, ceiling, walls) and then we were ready to get to work!

 Next up was the wall decals that I found a tutorial for somewhere on a blog.  Its just stainless steel imitation contact paper cut with a circle cutter and stuck to the wall.  Easy.  Actually, kinda a pain because they don't really want to stick down around the edges.  But, I am living with that.

 The dresser and crib came from IKEA - no real excuse for the new items except that we didn't have a dresser for her (since I moved the previous baby dresser into the boys' room) and I wanted a white crib.

 Here you can see the wall decals a little better.  We decided to take the closet door off completely because its in terrible shape.  We need to sand and paint all our doors, but that is a spring/summer in-the-garage project.  We are still using the rocking chair John's parents gave us money for when Logan was born.  Since the room is super neutral, I tried to make sure every color would look ok.  

That little pink tray is supposed to be painted aqua, but it hasn't happened yet.  And it won't happen...maybe someday.

 This little shelf was my sisters in her house before they moved to Virginia.  It holds some extra blankets in the bottom cupboard and is nice for some books and keepsakes.  Then I just framed some scrapbooks paper (from the same book as the buntings and art I made) and put it in those silver frames I had lying around.

 The closet is pretty cute with all that pink in there!  Having an open closet will force us to keep it under control...I think.  :)

 We put her crib on an inside wall, hoping it will stay warmer.

 I printed these cards for free from an online site and then strung them in a banner.

 I have several cute, modern, and simple sheets for the crib in all different colors.

 This was the crazy project that took about 3 weeks to complete!  I took paper lanterns and covered them in circles of cut fabric.  Luckily, I had tons of help.  It was a never ending project but my friend, Mollie, didn't let me give up!  They turned out really cute, so I think they were worth it...maybe.  :)

We needed something else for the walls, so I made these... 

 with canvases, fabric, paper,  and chicken wire we had on hand.

 I wanted something "peacock" for her room, but this creation is as close as I got.

 And Paris...of course.

 The boys artwork is one of my favorites!  They love it that their paintings are hanging in her room.

 My mom made the little valances between her busy travel schedule this winter and I LOVE them!

I think we're all set!  I had such a fun time getting her room ready!

Now we just need Baby Girl...

Our bags are packed!


Mary said...

The room looks great for the special little girl that will soon join your family!! We can't wait!! Love, NANA

Our family said...

I love all of it! Nice work! I can't believe how soon she'll arrive :)

We will be thinking of you guys this week and praying for the safe arrival of baby girl.

I can't wait to hear her name!

much love,
the thompson fam

Mike and Sarah said...

How adorable!! Baby girl will love it. I think the lanterns were well worth the trouble. Will be thinking about you tomorrow nigh and Tuesday.
