Friday, April 30, 2010

Fridays Are Fun!

While Bennett napped this morning, I got out a new art project for Logan and I to work on.  Usually, if B takes a morning nap, Logan and I do something special together.  Today was rainy so it was perfect for painting!  These dot art projects are awesome!  Logan literally has done twenty pictures already.  They are all hanging up in the play area.  He's really taken  to coloring and painting in the last few weeks which is so fun because I love it, too!

Dot art

The first of many!  I started by saying how beautiful the pictures were and hanging them up.  By the fourth picture, Logan caught on saying, "Mommy, isn't this beautiful?! Can you hang it up?!".  Well, how can I say no to that??

Just as B was waking up, our friends Carter and Brynna arrived with their mom, Leah.  Logan and Carter usually see each other every week at playgroup but it was fun to have Carter at our, house to play! The boys are very similar and both so sweet - they play really well together.  Carter is about 6 months younger than Logan, so I think they will be good buddies!  

The boys also worked a lot with the tools - they both know how to fix lots of things!

Bennett (post blow-out) was busy keeping up!  At point, while Leah and I finished lunch, the three big kids were playing in Logan's room and before I knew it, B had crawled to Logan's room and joined right in.  It was so cute!  He doesn't want to miss a thing!

1 comment:

Our family said...

Such adorable boys :)