Monday, February 8, 2010

Brotherly Love

Yep.  Its for sure:  these brothers love eachother!  Logan spent the weekend with my parents and just came home this afternoon.  Bennett was clearly so excited to see him.  He couldn't wipe the gaping grin off his face as he watched Logan come in and re-familiarize himself with his own domain.  Usually, I can just see Bennett thinking, "Ooooohhh...I am totally gonna do that....just as soon as I can walk/run/jump!".

Logan still asks to hold Bennett.  He gets a burp cloth, puts it on his shoulder and says, "I wanna hold Bennett now, Mama".

Before long these two will be causing me lots of "trouble"!  Truth be told: I can't wait!

Squeeze!  So glad to be back together!

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