Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bennett's Room

Since Bennett was born, I've been wanting to take some photos of his room.  Way back, one year ago, Logan moved out of the nursery and into his big boy room.  The transition was so smooth and we've never looked back.  So, for about one year, the nursery has been the "baby's room".  We didn't know if Bennett was going to be a boy or girl, so the gender neutral theme we had with Logan was just perfect.  I wanted some photos for his baby book, so I guess its better late than never.

Not much has changed since this was Logan's room as a baby.  My mom and her good friend, Vicki custom made the adorable bedding and curtain before Logan was born.  I love it so I'm glad we're putting it to use again!

Bennett and I spend a lot of time in the rocker, still.  I'm not quite ready for that to end.  We sit, read books, cuddle, and feed...I love it (except for the 2am wake up call that still somtimes happens!).

Out little toy chest is full of fun stuff...the boys like to sit and play in Bennett's room when I'm putting clothes away, cleaning, or cooking.

1 comment:

erickson family said...

precious! so funny, after i saw your comment to brie, i was going to ask you to take pictures of yours! i love it!